Mother Teresa

    "Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy - let us pray. "

    Church Activities Director: Brian Manngard


    Community Breakfast

    Crowning of Mary

    Light up for Christ

    Keep Christ in Christmas

    Labor Day Mass

    Little Lambs Committee

    Nocturnal Adoration

    Our Lady of Lourdes Mass

    Respect Life

    Rosary Recital

    St. Andrews Church

    St. Dymphna Mass

    St. Mary’s Parish Liaison

    St. Mary’s Picnic

    Usher Support

    Vocations Support Program

    Chair Person

    Steve Chmielowiec 537-6832

    Walter Kozlowski PGK, FDD 863-1494

    Walter Kozlowski PGK, FDD 863-1494

    Lu Pham


    Kevin Strommer PGK

    Stephen Politza PGK 496-0828

    Walter Kozlowski PGK, FDD 863-1494

    Brian Tighe 496-0391

    Rick Horn

    Kirk Williams PGK 564-7222
    Ray Cholewka 496-8753

    Walter Kozlowski PGK, FDD 863-1494K

    Brian Manngard

    Brian Manngard

    Fred LaFlair PGK 496-7112

    Manny Alexio 783-9069
    Kevin Strommer PGK
    Frank Sheboy 496-8004