Pope Boniface VIII
"Silence gives consent. "
Coats for Kids
Council #5890 of the Knights of Columbus has concluded its program for the 'coats for kids.' Although our original involvement evolved into something quite diffferent than planned - all good things always do, right? It was the most rewarding and heartwarming experience for us when we were distributing coats to our beneficiaries. There were only two(Little Lambs and House on the Hill) but our second beneficiary, "house on the hill," simply caught us totally off guard. You see as we arrived at the preschool/daycare for children of migrant workers located in Goshen, NY it was naptime for the children. Sr Jean, the administrator of the facility asked if we would like a tour. We accepted and walked around the facility. As we stepped down into a large room all we could see were children laying on mats with blankets covering them. We couldn't look in any direction without seeing children napping. Immediately we thought, 'how do you get 64 kids to sleep at the same time' but we also thought 'this is what the program(coats for kids) was all about.'
As Knights of Columbus members we are very proud of the work we accomplished, but we also are eternally grateful to the men and women who so graciously donated, participated in the 'Spooky Bingo' or simply offered us an encouraging word.

At the completion of their coat drive, the council # 5890 delivered a total of 65 new and warm coats to local children. Grand Knight Kevin Strommer summarized the effort as a community success: "Without the generous support of people throughout our parish and community, much of the work we do would go undone. We share this moment with everyone who helped."